Monday, June 22, 2009


I've been working on a new book and I had hoped to finish it by this past Friday. Alas, I didn't get it done. Now, I have to get it done by mid-July. I promised it would be done by then.

It's a contemporary m/m. I'm not sure how much BDSM there will be in it. The guys have taken on a life of their own, as they are want to do, and I'm not sure what will happen with them. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm in the middle of a difficult scene, it pulls my emotions in any number of directions.

So, in order to keep me on the track, I need to make a deal with myself - see the first book was easier to write, because it wasn't due to anyone until I sent it out - so that I get at least 1000 words done each day on my WIP.

Today's word count - 0 (so not good!) :(

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