Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Book Report - Booktube and Reading Challenge

Okay, so in the process of watching Flosstube some time ago (Cross Stitch videos on YouTube), I came across the knitting, crochet, sewing, and quilting equivalents. Then I found BookTube.  Most of the ones I've seen so far focus on young adult books.  There are some that are Sci-Fi and Fantasy though.  And some of the BookTubers have library tours...My To Be Read pile grew. Exponentially. And there may or may not be library envy.😊

My goal is read for 30 minutes a day. Not a lot, but I'm okay with it for now, since I also have a full time job in addition to writing, and have a kid still at home, which means I actually have to cook and have an assortment of associated chores to do.  And, at the moment, cross stitching is a stress reliever for me. But, I read most of the night I spent waiting at Urgent Care as well as reading about 30 minutes a day. I'm half-way through the Hobbit.

I was putting together a playlist for Behind the Masque, because no matter how much fiddling I do, I can't get my iTunes Desktop music library to lync to either iPad or my Laptop (which is frustrating), when YouTube recommended a video to watch that caught my eye. The BookTuber - Winx & Ink, a Sci-Fi/Fantasy reader - released a video here announcing that January was Sherlock Holmes Reading month. It was apparently decided a few months ago. I saw it yesterday morning. So, I have added several more books to my TBR list -- including several that are inspired by Sherlock Holmes. And decided that as soon as I finish The Hobbit, I will start "A Study in Scarlet" in the Barnes and Noble Classics edition of The Complete Sherlock Holmes Vol. 1 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  I haven't read any of the Sherlock Holmes stories, so I'm looking forward to it.  However, I don't know if I'll get through the whole book.  So, I'm okay with the one story. (I have a 3 book collection of James Bond stories, and made it through the first story - Casino Royale only so far). 

I should probably add both collections to my list to finish this year.  It's January, with the whole year ahead, it's hard to see what I'll accomplish and what I won't.

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