Monday, June 25, 2018



I swear it serves no good purpose. It's a self-sabotaging mechanism to keep me from achieving my goals and dreams. I want to be a full time writer living in a real house instead of the trailer I do live in. But I can't do that if I don't plant my butt down at the computer every night or almost every night and write. I can write long hand at work and transcribe it. And if I do that every night, I get closer to finishing this book. It's gone from 75K to probably 100K. It actually, may cross that mark, but I still have to go in and clean it up. I was hoping to have it done by the end of June, I mean I've been working on it for about 4 years. It needs to be done. I have other stories to tell. I don't have the hours in the day to write 15K in one week. That part isn't procrastination, but my reality with a day job. The procrastination comes in when I look back at the weekend and realize that I didn't touch the project that needed to be touched. Part of that is because I was bringing another project to my writer's group, however, that is changing and I will bringing Behind the Masque. At least until it's finished.

I intend to finish it by July 15th. I took the Thursday and Friday off before that for family stuff, which was moved to a weekend, so that gives me 4 full days that I can write. But, hopefully, it'll be done before that. 

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