Tuesday, January 3, 2017

From the Writer's Desk -- Looking Forward in 2017

According to an article I read on History Channel's website, The History of New Year's Resolutions, the tradition of promising to make the new year better than the last one dates back 4000 years ago to Babylon -- they were promises made to gods, that if kept brought reward and if not - caused one to fall out of favor with the gods. Now-a-days resolutions are made - some with very serious intentions on keeping them, and some half-hearted or half-baked with little or no intention.  Some are doomed to fail before they begin due to the nature of the resolution.

I have started a new Bullet Journal that I hope will help not only keep track of things, but also help keep me focused on my goals. My biggest goal is to become a full time writer.  I like my day job, I love the organization I work for, but I would rather be writing. I'm still trying to work out how to stay writing when life stress gets overwhelming.

* Ideally, I want to write 12 books, my goal is 5.

* Write 365,000 words -- which sounds like a lot until you realize it's only 1,000 words a day.  Some authors manage 6,000 - that's my goal, but I still have a day job and life stress, so, 1,000 it is.

* Read 26 books
      3 Classics
      3 Non-Fiction
      20 - Whatever

* Blog Weekly

I've broken my big goals into smaller chunks, come up with a reasonable time line for my day that I think will work.I plan on doing Quarterly Reviews to see how I'm doing as well as a year-end review to see what I accomplished.

Weekly Goals, January 2-8

Write 5 times a day, 500 words a session
Blog on Wednesday and Friday
Read 30 Minutes everyday

I intend on keeping my resolutions this year.



Unknown said...

This is an excellent idea! Like you, (and as you know lol) life stress is a blocker to writing for me... my only one. But, life stress is not going anywhere. It's just one of those constants. So I think a bullet list and finding time to do nothing but write and commit to 'feeding' the art is helpful and attainable.

You've got this!

Unknown said...

This is an excellent idea! Like you, (and as you know lol) life stress is a blocker to writing for me... my only one. But, life stress is not going anywhere. It's just one of those constants. So I think a bullet list and finding time to do nothing but write and commit to 'feeding' the art is helpful and attainable.

You've got this!