Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Book Report - Book Haul and Reading Goals

My teenager bought me "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire and The Land of Stories #2 by Chris Colfer along with a new journal and a two new book marks for the holidays this year.  Our family drew names for a gift exchange and one of my nephews gave me a Gift Certificate from Barnes and Noble.  I can't wait to spend it!!

My Reading Goal this year is to read 26 books.  That's a little over two books a month.  I would love to get to one a week, but I usually stitch between the day job and writing, so there is less time to stitch.  I haven't tried Audible yet, although I've borrowed audio-books on CD from the Library.  The problem I have, and one of the reasons I haven't tried Audible yet, is because of my hearing. I'm hard of hearing, and there have been a lot of times I start to listen to a book, only to have to return it without listening to it because I couldn't hear it, even with the volume turned all the way up.  I don't want to pay for an audio-book I can't hear it.  That would be completely frustrating.

So, here is my  breakdown of the books I want to read:

3 Classics
3 Non-Fiction
20 Whatever - mostly fiction.
   I want to read at least one in each of the following genres - Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, and Mystery.

I have several classics on my shelf that I haven't read including Kidnapped and The Black Arrow. I also want to read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  (My high school AP English class read things like Jonathon Livingston Seagull, which was 80 pages, pictures on 40 with large print, so I missed a lot of the required reading books in school - and some I don't remember reading if I did.)

I'm reading The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien now, which has a good pace to it so far.

There is a book from a book club I'm in that I'm thinking about reading because I want to see if it matches my expectations.  It's romance - or at least it's supposed to be.

For Non-Fiction, I have several on my shelves to choose from, but I'm pretty sure one of them will be Prague Winter  by Madeleine Albright

I picked this one up when I was looking for cozy mystery series, but I'd read one that I thought was going to be interesting and it turned about to be too unbelievable, so I stopped reading them all together, I want to give this one a try. Different series. Different Author - it's Death By Darjeeling by Laura Child. 

I found this on one of center aisle racks at Barnes and Noble, and looks like it's going to be Urban Fantasy.  Hounded by Kevin Hearne.

 This is one of those -- that sounds interesting books -- then I found out it was a movie, and it was shelved.  But, it's one of those I want to read it and see how they handle Zombies.  World War Z by Max Brooks.

 Those are the books I want to read this year.  Some I chose because I'm excited to read them, others because I put them down before I could get into them before.  My Reading Bullet Journal has most of the books I want to read written in there - either by year, challenge, or author.  So, far there are books listed on 52 pages.  Some are full, others aren't.  It's still a lot of books.

I have a simple tracker in the Goals section of my Bullet Journal Planner and a section on my weekly page for what I'm reading.

Book Tracker in Goals Section

Weekly Layout 

Happy Reading,



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