Saturday, March 8, 2014

April Goals

Okay, so I'm part of a writer's group in a nearby city. We meet once a month to discuss business, craft and support one another. They were some of my biggest supporters before my family came around - which was only after they saw that was an income potential from writing. Which isn't why I write. I write because I have to. Because I have no choice. But, because of the depression and other issues I haven't been writing lately. Yet, this amazing group of men and women still support and encourage me. :) One of the things we do each month is to set goals. I also have yearly goals, which this will hopefully help me meet. :)

So for the next meeting in April I have several goals. Probably rather ambitious given the last few months, but might as well jump in with both feet.

So, here goes -

1. Brainstorm 2nd Smuggler's Cove novel, as my characters have committed anarchy are in disagreement with who goes next
2. Write at least 500 words a day
3. Blog regularly
4. Brainstorm new project for TB
5. Finish series bibles for all series

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